Copyright and Licensing |
All rights are reserved, as long nothing else is explicit stated. This includes all kinds of scanning, storing, reproduction and publication (electronic, print or other). In case you like to use any contents of this web site for public or private use, please contact: |
3rd Party Components and their Licenses |
jQuery and jQuery UI |
The website uses jQuery and jQuery UI components von & |
jQuery License and jQuery UI License |
Files: /jquery/* |
FileSaver.js |
The website uses MIT ( licensed FileSaver.js from, |
MIT License |
Files: /js/FileSaver.js Files: /tools/FileSaver.js/* |
base64-js |
The website uses MIT ( licensed base64-js from |
MIT License |
Files: /js/base64.js Files: /js/base64js.min.js Files: /tools/ |
geoPlugin |
The website uses a GNU General Public License version 3+ ( licensed geoPlugin von |
Files: /php/geoplugin.class.php |
GNU General Public License License version 3 |
The website uses a GNU Lesser General Public License version 3+ ( licensed PHP TCPDF von |
GNU Lesser General Public License License version 3 |
Files: /tools/tcpdf/* |
Google Fonts |
The website uses Apache 2.0 ( licensed fonts from |
Apache License 2.0 |
Files: /fonts/opensans/* Files: /fonts/opensanscondensed/* |
Google Icons |
The website uses Apache 2.0 ( licensed icons from |
Apache License 2.0 |
Files: /icons/*
account_multiple_*, alert_*, aspect-ratio_*, autorenew_*, book_*, book-open-page-variant_*, camera_*, camera-outline_*, cancel_*, cart_*, cart-off_*, cart-plus_*, cellphone-android_*, cellphone-play_*, chevron-left_*, chevron-right_*, city_*, cloud_*, coffee_*, contact-mail_*, copyright_*, content-copy_*, content-cut_*, credit-card_*, currency-usd_*, desktop-mac_*, dots-horizontal_*, dots-vertical_*, download_*, eject_*, email_*, eye_*, eye-off_*, file_*, file-pdf-box_*, film_*, filmstrip_*, fingerprint_*, flag_*, folder-multiple-image_*, fullscreen_*, fullscreen-exit_*, google-chrome_*, google-maps_*, help-circle_*, human_*, human-female_*, human-greeting_*, human-male_*, human-male-female_*, human-pregnant_*, ice-cream_*, image_*, image-album_*, image-frame_**, image-multiple_*, information_*, information-outline_*, invert-colors_*, key_*, library_*, library_books*, magnify_*, magnify-minus-outline_*, magnify-plus-outline_*, map-marker_*, memory_*, menu_*, menu-down_*, nature_*, new-box_*, home_*, home-variant_*, numeric-0-box_*, numeric-0-box-outline_*, numeric-1-box_*, numeric-1-box-outline_*, numeric-2-box_*, numeric-2-box-outline_*, numeric-3-box_*, numeric-3-box-outline_*, numeric-4-box_*, numeric-4-box-outline_*, numeric-5-box_*, numeric-5-box-outline_*, numeric-6-box_*, numeric-6-box-outline_*, numeric-7-box_*, numeric-7-box-outline_*, numeric-8-box_*, numeric-8-box-outline_*, numeric-9-box_*, numeric-9-box-outline_*, numeric-9-plus-box_*, numeric-9-plus-box-outline_*, open-in-new_*, palette_*, pause_*, phone_*, power_*, printer_*, quality-high_*, receipt_*, refresh_*, scanner_*, scooter_*, security_*, smoking-off_*, sort-alphabetical_*, sort-numeric_*, sort-variant_*, speaker_*, spellcheck_*, spray-bottle_*, stop_*, store_*, tablet_*, tablet-cellphone_*, tag_*, tea_*, thumb-down_*, thumb-up_*, towing_*, tram_*, translate_*, truck_*, video_*, video-off_*, view-comfy-outline_*, view-dashboard-variant_*, view-grid_*, view-list_*, voicemail_*, volume-high_*, volume-low_*, volume-medium_*, volume-off_*, walk_*, water-off_*, web_*, white-balance-incandescent_*, white-balance-iridescent_*, white-balance-sunny_*, wrench_*, youtube-play_*, youtube-tv_* |
Material Design Icons |
The website uses SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 ( licensed icons from converted from svg to different colors and sizes |
Files: /icons/*
access-point_*, access-point-network_*, arrow-collapse-all_*, arrow-expand-all_*, arrow-left-drop-circle_*, arrow-right-drop-circle_*, arrow-up-drop-circle_*, arrow-down-drop-circle_*, box-cutter_*, bookshelf_*, bus_side_*, calculator_*, calendar-week_*, camera-off_*, camera-outline_*, car-hatchback_*, cart-outline_*, cash_*, cctv_*, cellphone-android_*, cellphone-play_*, ceiling-light_*, chevron-double-left_*, chevron-double-right_*, chili-hot_*, chili-medium_*, chili-mild_*, close-octagon_*, content-copy_*, counter_*, cpu_*, credit-card-off_*, crown_*, church_*, currency-eur_*, database_*, delete_*, dog-side-off_*, edge_*, email-open_*, email-secure_*, emoticon-excited_*, emoticon-happy_*, emoticon-neutral_*, emoticon-sad_*, file_*, file-image_*, file-pdf_*, file-video_*, film_*, firefox_*, flickr_*. folder-multiple_*, glass-flute_*, hanger_*, help_*, help-box_*, high-definition_*, home-map-marker_*, home-modern_*, human-child_*, human-handsdown_*, human-handsup_*, ice-cream-off_*, image-area_*, image-off_*, image-outline_*, instagram_*, internet-explorer_*, language-c_*, language-cpp_*, language-css3_*, language-html5_*, language-javascript_*, language-php_*, linkedin_*, link-box-variant_*, link-variant_*, linux_*, login-variant_*, logout-variant_*, loop_*, map-marker-multiple_*, map-marker-outline_*, map-marker-radius_*, minus-box-outline_*, movie-open-play_*, music_*, music-off_*, nest-thermostat_*, network_*, numeric-0_*, numeric-0-circle_*, numeric-0-circle-outline_*, numeric-1_*, numeric-1-circle_*, numeric-1-circle-outline_*, numeric-2_*, numeric-2-circle_*, numeric-2-circle-outline_*, numeric-3_*, numeric-3-circle_*, numeric-3-circle-outline_*, numeric-4_*, numeric-4-circle_*, numeric-4-circle-outline_*, numeric-5_*, numeric-5-circle_*, numeric-5-circle-outline_*, numeric-6_*, numeric-6-circle_*, numeric-6-circle-outline_*, numeric-7_*, numeric-7-circle_*, numeric-7-circle-outline_*, numeric-8_*, numeric-8-circle_*, numeric-8-circle-outline_*, numeric-9_*, numeric-9-circle_*, numeric-9-circle-outline_*, numeric-9-plus-circle_*, numeric-9-plus-circle-outline_*, opera_*, package_*, package-variant_*, paper-roll_*, paypal_*, pen_*, percent_*, phone-rotate-landscape_*, plus-box-outline_*, polaroid_*, power-socket-de*, presentation_*, presentation-play printer-off_*, professional-hexagon_*, qrcode_*, qrcode-scan_*, quality-low_*, recycle_*, rollerblade-off_*, roman-numeral-1_*, roman-numeral-2_*, roman-numeral-3_*, roman-numeral-4_*, roman-numeral-5_*, roman-numeral-6_*, roman-numeral-7_*, roman-numeral-8_*, roman-numeral-9_*, roman-numeral-10_*, rotate-3d_*, seal_*, search-web_*, sitemap_*, shield-sun-outline_*, shoe-print_*, sign-caution_*, sign-direction_*, skull-crossbones_*, sort-ascending_*, sort_*, sort-descending_*, spotlight-beam_*, standard-definition_*, step-backward_*, step-forward_*, sunglasses_*, svg_*, temperature-celsius_*, temperature-fahrenheit_*, thermometer_*, thermometer-lines_*, trophy-outline_*, trophy-variant_*, truck-delivery_*, truck-fast_*, twitter_*, ubuntu_*, ultra-high-definition_*, umbrella_*, van-utility_*, video-vintage_*, volume-minus_*, volume-plus_*, volume-variant-off_black_*, weight-kilogram_*, wheelchair-accessibility_*, wifi_*, window-close_*, windows_*, xing_* |
The Noun Project Icons |
The website uses icons from converted from svg to different colors and sizes. |
Art Gallery by Saman Bemel-Benrud from Noun Project (Public Domain) Forbidden by b farias from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0) Gallery by andriwidodo from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0) Images by Simon Henrotte from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0) Microscope by Hector M from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0) Photo Gallery by Antar from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0) Reset by Roberto Chiaveri from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0) |
Attribution 3.0 International United States (CC BY 3.0 US) |
Files: /icons/NP/* |
Museum Ulm |
The website uses an invite card from the Museum Ulm. |
Files: /3rd-party-pics/22-triennale-ulmer-kunst* | |
The website uses some real pictures / 3D simulations licensed from These pictures / 3D simulations are used for to simulate the placing of my pictures in rooms. |
Files: /3rd-party-pics/123rf/* --- room 1: astragal / 123RF Standard-Bild room 2: poligonchik / 123RF Standard-Bild room 3: bialasiewicz / 123RF Standard-Bild room 4: elsar77 / 123RF Standard-Bild room 5: poligonchik / 123RF Standard-Bild |
OpenAI*. ChatGPT* 3.5 |
Starting with 2023, I use ChatGPT* to generate and/or grammer/spell check and/or translate text to simplify/speed-up work. |
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