This is a rather unusual photography portofolio in the web.
The speciality comes less though the style or the presentation,
but by the pure sheer amount of available pictures ( ~10.000 in Q4/2022 ) covering practically my complete released work.

  New The latest pictures on wide-angle.de.  
  Featured Featured lists and catalogs.  
  Cities Bilder von Städten.  
  Ulm Pictures of my home town Ulm.  
  Countries Bilder von Ländern.  
  Flora and Fauna Any kind of pictures of trees, flowers and animals.  
  People Bilder von Unbekannten bis hin zu Freunden.  
  Others Topics Anything which did not fit in other categories.  
  Released 1985 - 2020 Pictures of the month series, as well as older series, till 2020.  
  Released 2021 - Pictures of the month series from 2021 on.  
  Format Picture formats.  
  Style Bilder in Stilrichtungen sortiert.  
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