Help / Usage
Available navigation and download links (icons, texts) become red when navigated the mouse over.
Navigation Tree
On the left of page. The navigation tree on the left window side serve the quick navigation between picture groups and series.
Navigation Icons
  Navigation ...
... to the start page (== Home "Button" ).
... up to next level (picture series, picture group, menu level, ...).
... to the previous picture.
... to album view; to group view; to serie view;
... zoom-in (to HD); zoom-out (from HD); zoom (standard view).
Only one icons is available at once on page.
... to the next picture.
... to the series associated to the picture.
... to the microscope view. 1:1 view on selected areas.
... to simulation of placing the picture in rooms.
... to the detail info about the picture.
... to the video /slideshow view of series.
... add to shopping cart.
... to shopping cart.
... to the map view (for Ulm pictures only). Opens in new window/tab.
... to the search page.
... toggles the (background) page color.
... open in new window/tab.
... to the German/English view.
... at moment not available. Navigation icons are greyed out (examples).
Picture Navigation (left & right of detailed pictures)
... to the previous picture (visible on mouse hover over only).
... to the next picture (visible on mouse hover over only).
Navigation Links
  Navigation ...
© Frank Titze 1983-2024. All rights reserved. ... to the copyright and licensing info.
27.06.24 ... to the change blog.
Imprint ... to the imprint.
Data Privacy Policy ... to the data privacy policy.
Trademarks ... to the trademarks info.
Copyright and Licensing ... to the copyright and licensing info.
Help ... to this help / usage manual
Pop-up Windows
  Enlarging ...
..... ... of the histogram.
..... ... of the picture colors (average color or 5 primary colors).
..... ... of the QR codefor the link to page .
..... ... Microscope 1:1 view.
Action Icons
Download File.
File Types
Dates1) For 'Analog' or 'Pure Analog' pictures are the Dates only (very) rough dates.
Original Size2) For 'Analog' pictures processed digital represents 'Original Size' the scanning size.
For 'Pure Analog' pictures represents 'Original Size' only the scanning size for the website.
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