Copyright und Lizenzen |
Alle Rechte sind vorbehalten, solange nicht explizit etwas anderes angegeben ist. Dies schließt alle Arten von Scanning, Speicherung, Reproduktion und Publikation (Elektronisch, Druck oder andere) ein. Für die kommerzielle oder private Verwendung irgendwelcher Inhalte dieser Web-Site, kontaktieren Sie bitte: |
3rd Party Komponenten und ihre Lizenzen |
jQuery and jQuery UI |
Diese Website verwendet jQuery and jQuery UI Komponenten von & |
jQuery License und jQuery UI License |
Dateien: /jquery/* |
FileSaver.js |
Diese Website verwendet MIT ( lizensierte FileSaver.js von, |
MIT License |
Dateien: /js/FileSaver.js Dateien: /tools/FileSaver.js/* |
base64-js |
Diese Website verwendet MIT ( lizensierte base64-js von |
MIT License |
Dateien: /js/FileSaver.js Dateien: /js/base64js.min.js Dateien: /tools/ FileSaver.js/* |
geoPlugin |
Diese Website verwendet ein GNU General Public License Version 3+ ( lizensiertes geoPlugin von |
Dateien: /php/geoplugin.class.php |
GNU General Public License License Version 3 |
Diese Website verwendet ein GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3+ ( lizensiertes PHP TCPDF von |
GNU Lesser General Public License License Version 3 |
Dateien: /tools/tcpdf/* |
Google Fonts |
Diese Website verwendet Apache 2.0 ( lizensierte Fonts von |
Apache License 2.0 |
Dateien: /fonts/opensans/* Dateien: /fonts/opensanscondensed/* |
Google Icons |
Diese Website verwendet Apache 2.0 ( lizensierte icons von |
Apache License 2.0 |
Dateien: /icons/*
account_multiple_*, alert_*, aspect-ratio_*, autorenew_*, book_*, book-open-page-variant_*, camera_*, camera-outline_*, cancel_*, cart_*, cart-off_*, cart-plus_*, cellphone-android_*, cellphone-play_*, chevron-left_*, chevron-right_*, city_*, cloud_*, coffee_*, contact-mail_*, copyright_*, content-copy_*, content-cut_*, credit-card_*, currency-usd_*, desktop-mac_*, dots-horizontal_*, dots-vertical_*, download_*, eject_*, email_*, eye_*, eye-off_*, file_*, file-pdf-box_*, film_*, filmstrip_*, fingerprint_*, flag_*, folder-multiple-image_*, fullscreen_*, fullscreen-exit_*, google-chrome_*, google-maps_*, help-circle_*, human_*, human-female_*, human-greeting_*, human-male_*, human-male-female_*, human-pregnant_*, ice-cream_*, image_*, image-album_*, image-frame_**, image-multiple_*, information_*, information-outline_*, invert-colors_*, key_*, library_*, library_books*, magnify_*, magnify-minus-outline_*, magnify-plus-outline_*, map-marker_*, memory_*, menu_*, menu-down_*, nature_*, new-box_*, home_*, home-variant_*, numeric-0-box_*, numeric-0-box-outline_*, numeric-1-box_*, numeric-1-box-outline_*, numeric-2-box_*, numeric-2-box-outline_*, numeric-3-box_*, numeric-3-box-outline_*, numeric-4-box_*, numeric-4-box-outline_*, numeric-5-box_*, numeric-5-box-outline_*, numeric-6-box_*, numeric-6-box-outline_*, numeric-7-box_*, numeric-7-box-outline_*, numeric-8-box_*, numeric-8-box-outline_*, numeric-9-box_*, numeric-9-box-outline_*, numeric-9-plus-box_*, numeric-9-plus-box-outline_*, open-in-new_*, palette_*, pause_*, phone_*, power_*, printer_*, quality-high_*, receipt_*, refresh_*, scanner_*, scooter_*, security_*, smoking-off_*, sort-alphabetical_*, sort-numeric_*, sort-variant_*, speaker_*, spellcheck_*, spray-bottle_*, stop_*, store_*, tablet_*, tablet-cellphone_*, tag_*, tea_*, thumb-down_*, thumb-up_*, towing_*, tram_*, translate_*, truck_*, video_*, video-off_*, view-comfy-outline_*, view-dashboard-variant_*, view-grid_*, view-list_*, voicemail_*, volume-high_*, volume-low_*, volume-medium_*, volume-off_*, walk_*, water-off_*, web_*, white-balance-incandescent_*, white-balance-iridescent_*, white-balance-sunny_*, wrench_*, youtube-play_*, youtube-tv_* |
Material Design Icons |
Diese Website verwendet SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 ( lizensierte Icons von in verschiedenen Farben und Größen konvertiert. |
Dateien: /icons/*
access-point_*, access-point-network_*, arrow-collapse-all_*, arrow-expand-all_*, arrow-left-drop-circle_*, arrow-right-drop-circle_*, arrow-up-drop-circle_*, arrow-down-drop-circle_*, box-cutter_*, bookshelf_*, bus_side_*, calculator_*, calendar-week_*, camera-off_*, camera-outline_*, car-hatchback_*, cart-outline_*, cash_*, cctv_*, cellphone-android_*, cellphone-play_*, ceiling-light_*, chevron-double-left_*, chevron-double-right_*, chili-hot_*, chili-medium_*, chili-mild_*, close-octagon_*, content-copy_*, counter_*, cpu_*, credit-card-off_*, crown_*, church_*, currency-eur_*, database_*, delete_*, dog-side-off_*, edge_*, email-open_*, email-secure_*, emoticon-excited_*, emoticon-happy_*, emoticon-neutral_*, emoticon-sad_*, file_*, file-image_*, file-pdf_*, file-video_*, film_*, firefox_*, flickr_*. folder-multiple_*, glass-flute_*, hanger_*, help_*, help-box_*, high-definition_*, home-map-marker_*, home-modern_*, human-child_*, human-handsdown_*, human-handsup_*, ice-cream-off_*, image-area_*, image-off_*, image-outline_*, instagram_*, internet-explorer_*, language-c_*, language-cpp_*, language-css3_*, language-html5_*, language-javascript_*, language-php_*, linkedin_*, link-box-variant_*, link-variant_*, linux_*, login-variant_*, logout-variant_*, loop_*, map-marker-multiple_*, map-marker-outline_*, map-marker-radius_*, minus-box-outline_*, movie-open-play_*, music_*, music-off_*, nest-thermostat_*, network_*, numeric-0_*, numeric-0-circle_*, numeric-0-circle-outline_*, numeric-1_*, numeric-1-circle_*, numeric-1-circle-outline_*, numeric-2_*, numeric-2-circle_*, numeric-2-circle-outline_*, numeric-3_*, numeric-3-circle_*, numeric-3-circle-outline_*, numeric-4_*, numeric-4-circle_*, numeric-4-circle-outline_*, numeric-5_*, numeric-5-circle_*, numeric-5-circle-outline_*, numeric-6_*, numeric-6-circle_*, numeric-6-circle-outline_*, numeric-7_*, numeric-7-circle_*, numeric-7-circle-outline_*, numeric-8_*, numeric-8-circle_*, numeric-8-circle-outline_*, numeric-9_*, numeric-9-circle_*, numeric-9-circle-outline_*, numeric-9-plus-circle_*, numeric-9-plus-circle-outline_*, opera_*, package_*, package-variant_*, paper-roll_*, paypal_*, pen_*, percent_*, phone-rotate-landscape_*, plus-box-outline_*, polaroid_*, power-socket-de*, presentation_*, presentation-play printer-off_*, professional-hexagon_*, qrcode_*, qrcode-scan_*, quality-low_*, recycle_*, rollerblade-off_*, roman-numeral-1_*, roman-numeral-2_*, roman-numeral-3_*, roman-numeral-4_*, roman-numeral-5_*, roman-numeral-6_*, roman-numeral-7_*, roman-numeral-8_*, roman-numeral-9_*, roman-numeral-10_*, rotate-3d_*, seal_*, search-web_*, sitemap_*, shield-sun-outline_*, shoe-print_*, sign-caution_*, sign-direction_*, skull-crossbones_*, sort-ascending_*, sort_*, sort-descending_*, spotlight-beam_*, standard-definition_*, step-backward_*, step-forward_*, sunglasses_*, svg_*, temperature-celsius_*, temperature-fahrenheit_*, thermometer_*, thermometer-lines_*, trophy-outline_*, trophy-variant_*, truck-delivery_*, truck-fast_*, twitter_*, ubuntu_*, ultra-high-definition_*, umbrella_*, van-utility_*, video-vintage_*, volume-minus_*, volume-plus_*, volume-variant-off_black_*, weight-kilogram_*, wheelchair-accessibility_*, wifi_*, window-close_*, windows_*, xing_* |
The Noun Project Icons |
Diese Website verwendet Icons von von svg in verschiedenen Farben und Größen konvertiert. |
Art Gallery by Saman Bemel-Benrud from Noun Project (Public Domain) Forbidden by b farias from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0) Gallery by andriwidodo from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0) Images by Simon Henrotte from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0) Microscope by Hector M from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0) Photo Gallery by Antar from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0) Reset by Roberto Chiaveri from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0) |
Attribution 3.0 International United States (CC BY 3.0 US) |
Dateien: /icons/NP/* |
Museum Ulm |
Diese Website verwendet eine Einladungskarte vom Museum Ulm. |
Dateien: /3rd-party-pics/22-triennale-ulmer-kunst* | |
Diese Website verwendet einige von lizensierte reale Bilder / 3D Simulationen. Diese Bilder / 3D Simulationen werden verwendet um das Plazieren meiner Bilder in Rämen zu simulaieren. |
Dateien: /3rd-party-pics/123rf/* --- Raum 1: astragal / 123RF Standard-Bild Raum 2: poligonchik / 123RF Standard-Bild Raum 3: bialasiewicz / 123RF Standard-Bild Raum 4: elsar77 / 123RF Standard-Bild Raum 5: poligonchik / 123RF Standard-Bild |
OpenAI*. ChatGPT* 3.5 |
Beginnend mit 2023 verwende ich ChatGPT* um Text zu generieren und/oder um Gramatik/Rechtschreibung zu überprüfen und/oder zu übersetzen um die Arbeit daran zu vereinfachen/beschleunigen. |