Freqent Ask Questions |
25.01.2025 |
How do you describe your photographic theme focus ? |
I describe my photographic focus as "Urban Photography". By this, I mean subjects where the presence of people is seen or felt even if they are not visible. This definition of "Urban Photography" is significantly broader compared to the much more well-known "Street Photography," which nowadays is equated with the depiction of people. | became ? |
In 2022 and after more than 20 years, it became clear, that I need to split between my work as artist and my gallery work to come. My artist work will be reachable in future under and my gallery work under & |
Picture Titles ? |
I assign titles to the pictures, whereby those are to 99.x% in English. Why 'only' English? I choose English as being the lowest common denominator for the global world. But there are German translations / hints of the titles on the info pages. |
Photography is expensive, how do you reduce costs ? |
What reduce the costs (per Bild):
Analog or digital, what do you use ? |
Until 2012, most of my pictures were made analog. Since then exclusively digital until 2022. In 2023, I restarted in addition to digital with analog photography.
Digital is much faster and controllable. The Polaroid* of the 21st century.
There are also pictures being made possible only with digital.
On other hand are there techniques and their results which can be done only analog - not considering 'fakes'.
In total (status Q1/2025) I expossed roughly 130-135.000 pictures in 40 years. 2 of 3 are digital, not counting phone pictures. |
Which format du you use ? |
While I already used medium and large format in the 1990s (aside of Polaroid*),
were the very most pictures shot with 24x36 mm, type 135 film.
With the upcoming of digital cameras and phones smaller formats got added while I use primary still 24x36 mm or full format cameras. In 2023, I (re-) started of medium and large photography, perparing also for Ultra Large Format (ULF) photography. |
Which lenses do you use for Ultra Large Format (ULF) ? - They must be very expensive? |
Yes and no to "very expensive". Yes, some of the lenses suitable for ULF and made by Rodenstock*, Schneider-Kreuznach*, Nikon* are very expensive. Same applies for 19th or beginning of 20th century lenses. But I do not have any of those. I focused on repro camera and projectors lenses being tyically even cheaper digital camera lenses of today. In fact, I bought several lenses where the lens board with lens protection filter were more expensive than the lens itself. |
Why do you use digital cameras from 2012 (Nikon* D800) and 2014 (Nikon* D810) ? |
There are two primary answers for this:
Why do you not use digital mirrorless cameras, but DSLRs ? |
Midterm will digital mirrorless cameras replace those with mirror offering several advantage. But:
Why do you use Nikon* cameras for the 24x36 mm of type digital full frame / 135 film format ? |
There are two primary answers for this:
Why do you use Fuji* GX680 and Zenza Bronica* GS-1 cameras for the medium format ? |
That is a more complex story:
Why do you use also the very old Zeiss Ikon* Ikonta* 521/2 and 521/16 for the medium format ? |
These cameras are small, low in weight to cary them more often around and are also affordable. |
Why do you use Toyo* 45G cameras for the large format ? |
There are there primary answers for this: Hier gibt es diese wesentliche Antworten:
How do you carry the heavy cameras like the Toyo* 45G or the Fuji* GX680 and the needed tripods ? |
Outside of car, I use two hand carts. First and bigger one selfbuild, das Zweite recycled/up-cycled from somebody who wanted to dump it. |
Are you a pro ? |
No. I'm in the best sense an amateur, but tax registered. So I'm not allowed to make pictures on request for money. I only shoot what I'm interested in and what I like. |
Shooting events ? You have no pictures from such on the site. |
I'm not an event, party, or wedding photographer. The typical expectations for such areas are quite narrow, what easily can destroy the fun. But when the the 'client' doesn't see this as such, very interesting pictured could come out. For pictures of events, the right questions must be clarified as well. |
Can you be booked ? |
Yes and no. I don't make photos for money out of many reasons incl. but not limited due to tax reasons. Last not least also to stay independent and not being required to make pictures I don't like. But you can ask me if I'm interested to make pictures of something or someone. |
Do you provide posters, wallpapers or post cards for free use? |
Yes. See for these at:
The photos on this web site are resolution reduced or watermarked. All photos are copyright restricted. See for this: Copyright |
Do you participate at competitions ? |
No. I see currently no sense in participation in one of the endless number of competitions. And especially to produce for them. In the 80s I participated in the great "Deutscher Jugendfotopreis". See CV / Lebenslauf. This competition was a complete different story because it had and have a different approach than the most of today's competitions. Nevertheless do I participate at local events. |
Du you have role models ? |
Yes. There are photographers and pictures which have influenced me or still do. |
How did you learn to make photos ? |
I'm an autodidact. Viewing of good pictures help - not for copying, but for getting inspirations and ideas what is possible. |
Since when did you make photos ? |
Since 1983. Interestingly is that I started to do Super-8 movies at same time. |
How did you learn to process photos ? |
Through some reading and nowadays through some viewing of videos. But primary by using the tools. |
Which camera should I buy ? |
On this question a lot of detail questions must be asked to come to answers. Or you take that camera you understand and feel well, becaue there is not such as 'The Camera'. |
Do you offer trainings or seminars ? |
No, that is not my focus. |
How accurate are the exposure dates ? |
The exposure dates of digital pictures should be as correct as the camera was set to correct date/time. For analogen pictures were the exposure dates only roughly or not at all documented. Due to that are those (and unfortunately often a wrong) rough date. |
Will you show more of older analog pictures ? |
Yes, there is a plan to show more of these. In fact I scanned already very most of my analog pictures (slides/negatives) in 2021. I will release more and more of those over the time. |
Will you do new analog pictures ? |
Yes, there is an update and short and long term plans for this (Status January 2025). In 2020-23+ I invested in analog medium and large format cameras & lenses to be used in future.
When analog photography, why medium format, large format or bigger ? |
Medium format:
Is analog photography not expensive ? |
Yes and No: First we need to define what is expensive. This is to some big extend relative and subjective. Let's take as reference a todays advanced camera from Nikon* (or Canon*, Sony*, Fuji* or ...) and add the cost of lenses and HW & SW. Yes:
In summary, analog photography is not cheap when shooting a lot of pictures. However, if you shoot selective, you will end up in the cost ballpark of the advanced camera mentioned above when looking over a few years. |
Hybrid Analog-Digital Workflow ? |
Shooting pictures analog, scanning those and doing the prints digital will be the default hybrid workflow. |
Hybrid Digital-Analog Workflow ? |
I have currently no plans to do such, but why not ? (Status April 2023) |
What's the meaning of the different exposure-, developing-, etc. data? |
I split & list the different picture creation steps as:
An analog picture, presented online, has in contrast always additional Developing and Scanning data [AA-DD]. In case an analog picture, presented online, was also enlarged, it has in addtion enlarging data [AA-DD]. In case an analog picture was "pure analog" processedcreated, it is listed as [AAAD-]. More variants are thinkable like the analog enlarging, etc. of digital pictures as digital negatives [DAAD-]. |
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