The pictures on wide-angle.de are only edited in a 'traditional' way. This applies for analog and digital editing. The field of curvature correction can be seen as exception, which is applied partially.

The negative or digital raw picture is with this the score. With the development, the printing and/or the editing the final performance of the print or digital picture is created.
Applied Editing - Globally & Locally
  • Exposure
  • Contrast
  • Blur
  • Sharpening
  • Color Saturation
  • Colorization
  • Decoloration
  • Vignette
  • Clarity
  • Noise Reduction
Applied Editing - Globally
  • Color Temperatur
  • Hue
  • Grain
  • Distortion Correction
  • Scaling
  • Rotating
  • Mirroring
  • Cut to Panorama or Square Format
  • Cutouts aside of format cuts are applied to a minority of pictures
  • Adding of Frames or Text
Applied Editing - Locally
  • Dust Correction
Not Applied Editing
  • Any kind of picture editing or retouching which change local picture form/content or surface.
  • AI for any kind of picture element generation.
Small picture elements like birds in the sky or skin imperfections ore similar are/might be removed while dust removal.
A very few pictures do not follow the normal editing approach.
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