Version: 01.09.2022
Editions Prices
The print price depends on:
  • Edition (Kind, format and edition number)
  • Finishing (Mounting of picture, passe-partout and framing)
Rollable Edition Prints without Finishing

LIMITED Editions

Currently there are no offerings.
LIMITED Editions are typically constraint to maximal 15 pieces plus 2 AP (Artist Proof being not sold). The price increase from the frist edition to the final edition according of the following Edition Sale Plan.

Edition Plan:
  • 01 - 02 : Early Bird - The budget price for quick decider.
  • 03 - 12 : Main - The 'regular' price.
  • 13 - 14 : Constraint - The constraint price.
  • 15 - 15 : Final - The price of the last edition.
The resulting price follows:
  • Format
  • Edition Number

OPEN Editions

Currently there are no offerings.


Currently there are no offerings.


Currently there are no offerings.

SAMPLE Picture

Currently there are no offerings.
Sample pictures on DIN A4 paper incl. shipment are available for all-inclusive 10.00 EUR per picture.
Sample pictures are on the front side stamped with "proof'.
With purchase of an edition above 200.00 EUR are the sample picture costs discounted.
Not Rollable Edition Prints without Finishing


Currently there are no offerings.

OPEN BOX Editions

Currently there are no offerings.
Any finishing disallow the shipment of picture as roll.

Picture Mounting

Currently there are no offerings.


Currently there are no offerings.


Currently there are no offerings.
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