Version: 12.06.2023
Print Editions pictures are available in different editions.
  • The high-end are the LIMITED Editions in large format and in best quality
    and this with a limit of maximal created prints per picture (typical edition is size 15 + 2 Artist Prints (AP) ).
    With at least 1200cm2 (e.g. 40x30cm) picture size are those perfect ideal for a free wall.
  • The LIMITED TINY Editions are like the LIMITED Editions but smaller for the limited space.
  • The LIMITED BOX Editions bundles multiple pictures of the LIMITED TINY Editions in a thematic sorted BOX.
  • The LIMITED POSTER and LIMITED CARD Editions offers through larger Editions sizes und poster/card print
    an inexpensive alternative.
  • The LIMITED BOOK Editions offers pictures in book format.
  • The OPEN Editions offers in comparison to the LIMITED Editions a further inexpensive alternative.
  • As long not specially mentioned are all LIMITED and OPEN Editions printed or enlarged by the artist.
    This does not apply for the POSTER, CARD and BOOK Editions.

Edition Overview
Edition Compatible

LIMITED Editions Limited Edition

Limited Edition
LIMITED Editions prints are equal or exceed the size (without border) of 1200 cm2 (e.g. 30x40cm2).

In order to keep the integrity of the numbered LIMITED Edition prints and their value, the artist is committed not to (let) make additional prints to the specified quantity of pieces mentioned.

No repetition, no renumbering, no unnumbered prints, no art reproduction or similar of these prints are permitted.

"Artists' proofs" may also be produced with a maximum specified pieces. They are signed and with "proof" marked. In case a edition becomes damaged/destroyed before sale, the edition can be replaced by a reprint being numbered like the original edition. The original will be destroyed.

The artist is committed not to (let) make additional LIMITED or OPEN, Editions of the artworks.

Artwork Authenticity Labeling
On back side (on verso) the print is in the lower right:
  • Signed
  • Dated
  • Edition No / Of Pieces
  • Artwork ID.
Optional and only on request is the print addtionally also on the front in the lower right:
  • Signed
Certificate of Authenticity
Every LIMITED Edition is accompanied with
  • A signed and dated Certificate of Authenticity describing the artwork.
  • 1:1 - 40x40cm - 100x100cm
  • 3:2 - 45x30cm - 150x100cm
  • 9:16 - 53.3x30cm - 177.8x100cm
  • 1:2.35 - 60x25.5cm - 235x100cm
Finishing Options
  • Mounting on Board
  • Passepartout
  • Framing
  • Rolled (only for not mounted, with passpartout fitted or framed finishing)
  • Flat

LIMITED TINY Editions Limited Edition

Limited Edition
LIMITED TINY Editions are like LIMITED Editions, but:
Different of regular LIMITED Editions are the Artworks tiny and do not exceed the size (without border) of 1200 cm2 (e.g. 30x40cm2.

In order to keep the integrity of the numbered LIMITED Edition prints and their value, the artist is committed not to (let) make additional prints to the specified quantity of pieces mentioned.

No repetition, no renumbering, no unnumbered prints, no art reproduction or similar of these prints are permitted.

"Artists' proofs" may also be produced with a maximum specified pieces. They are signed and with "proof" marked. In case a edition becomes damaged/destroyed before sale, the edition can be replaced by a reprint being numbered like the original edition. The original will be destroyed.

The artist is committed not to (let) make additional LIMITED TINY, OPEN TINY, LIMITED BOX oder OPEN BOX Editions of the artworks.

Artwork Authenticity Labeling
On back side (on verso) the print is in the lower right:
  • Signed
  • Dated
  • Edition No / Of Pieces
  • Artwork ID
Optional and only on request is the print addtionally also on the front in the lower right:
  • Signed
Certificate of Authenticity
Every LIMITED TINY Edition is accompanied with
  • A signed and dated Certificate of Authenticity describing the artwork.
  • 1:1 - 10x10cm - 30x30cm
  • 3:2 - 15x10cm - 30x20cm
  • 9:16 - 17.8x10cm - 35.6x20cm
  • 1:2.35 - 23.5x10cm - 47x20cm
Finishing Options
  • Mounting on Board
  • Passepartout
  • Framing
  • Flat

LIMITED BOX Editions Limited Edition

Limited Edition
LIMITED BOX Editions are like LIMITED TINY Editions, but:
Are a bundle of several TINY Artworks which not exceed the size (without border) of 1200 cm2 (e.g. 30x40cm2.

In order to keep the integrity of the numbered LIMITED Edition prints and their value, the artist is committed not to (let) make additional prints to the specified quantity of pieces mentioned.

No repetition, no renumbering, no unnumbered prints, no art reproduction or similar of these prints are permitted.

"Artists' proofs" may also be produced with a maximum specified pieces. They are signed and with "proof" marked. In case a edition becomes damaged/destroyed before sale, the edition can be replaced by a reprint being numbered like the original edition. The original will be destroyed.

The artist is committed not to (let) make additional LIMITED TINY, OPEN TINY, LIMITED BOX or OPEN BOX Editions of the artworks.

Artwork Authenticity Labeling
On front or back side (on verso) the index print is in the lower right:
  • Signed
  • Dated
  • Edition No / Of Pieces
Certificate of Authenticity
Every LIMITED BOX Edition is accompanied with
  • A signed and dated Certificate of Authenticity describing the artwork.
  • 1:1 - 10x10cm - 30x30cm
  • 3:2 - 15x10cm - 30x20cm
  • 9:16 - 17.8x10cm - 35.6x20cm
  • 1:2.35 - 23.5x10cm - 47x20cm
  • Flat

LIMITED POSTER Editions Limited Edition

Limited Edition
LIMITED POSTER Editions are like LIMITED Editions, but:
Different of regular LIMITED Editions are these editions made with regular book, banner or poster print technics and ARE NOT a Pigment Inkjet Print or a Gelatin Silver Print.

In order to keep the integrity of the numbered LIMITED Edition prints and their value, the artist is committed not to (let) make additional prints to the specified quantity of pieces mentioned.

No repetition, no renumbering, no unnumbered prints, no art reproduction or similar of these prints are permitted.

"Artists' proofs" may also be produced with a maximum specified pieces. They are signed and with "proof" marked. In case a edition becomes damaged/destroyed before sale, the edition can be replaced by a reprint being numbered like the original edition. The original will be destroyed.

The artist is committed not to (let) make additional LIMITED POSTER or OPEN POSTER Editions of the artworks.

Artwork Authenticity Labeling
On back side (on verso) the print is in the lower right:
  • Signed
  • Edition No / Of Pieces
Certificate of Authenticity

  • 1:1 - 40x40cm - 100x100cm
  • 3:2 - 45x30cm - 150x100cm
  • 9:16 - 53.3x30cm - 177.8x100cm
  • 1:2.35 - 60x25.5cm - 235x100cm
Finishing Options
  • Mounting on Board
  • Passepartout
  • Framing
  • Rolled (only for not mounted, with passpartout fitted or framed finishing)
  • Flat

LIMITED CARD Editions Limited Edition

Limited Edition
LIMITED CARD Editions are like LIMITED TINY Editions, but:
CARD Editions prints DO NOT exceed the maximum post card size in Germany.

In order to keep the integrity of the numbered LIMITED Edition prints and their value, the artist is committed not to (let) make additional prints to the specified quantity of pieces mentioned.

No repetition, no renumbering, no unnumbered prints, no art reproduction or similar of these prints are permitted.

"Artists' proofs" may also be produced with a maximum specified pieces. They are signed and with "proof" marked. In case a edition becomes damaged/destroyed before sale, the edition can be replaced by a reprint being numbered like the original edition. The original will be destroyed.

The artist is committed not to (let) make additional LIMITED CARD or OPEN CARD Editions of the artworks.

Artwork Authenticity Labeling
On back side (on verso) the print is in the lower left:
  • Signed
  • Pieces
Certificate of Authenticity

  • 14x9cm - 23.5x12.5cm
Finishing Options
  • Flat

LIMITED BOOK Editions Limited Edition

Limited Edition
LIMITED BOOK Editions are like LIMITED TINY Editions, but:

In order to keep the integrity of the numbered LIMITED Edition prints and their value, the artist is committed not to (let) make additional prints to the specified quantity of pieces mentioned.

No repetition, no renumbering, no unnumbered prints, no art reproduction or similar of these prints are permitted.

"Artists' proofs" may also be produced with a maximum specified pieces. They are signed and with "proof" marked. In case a edition becomes damaged/destroyed before sale, the edition can be replaced by a reprint being numbered like the original edition. The original will be destroyed.

The artist is committed not to (let) make additional LIMITED BOOK or OPEN BOOK Editions of the artworks.

Artwork Authenticity Labeling
On the inside is the book or calendar:
  • Signed
  • Dated
  • Edition No / Of Pieces.
Certificate of Authenticity

  • Individual
  • Flat

OPEN Editions

    OPEN Editions are like LIMITED Editions, but:
Different to LIMITED Editions, is the number of prints with OPEN Editions not limited. The artist can (let) make an unlimited number of additional prints in any form and size.

The artist is committed not to (let) make additional LIMITED Editions of the artworks.

Artwork Authenticity Labeling
On back side (on verso) the print is in the lower right (on margin - where available):
  • Signed
  • Dated *)
  • Artwork ID *).
*) Optional / not required.

Certificate of Authenticity
Every OPEN Edition is accompanied with
  • A signed and dated Certificate of Authenticity describing the artwork.
  • 1:1 - 40x40cm - 100x100cm
  • 3:2 - 45x30cm - 150x100cm
  • 9:16 - 53.3x30cm - 177.8x100cm
  • 1:2.35 - 60x25.5cm - 235x100cm
Finishing Options
  • Mounting on Board
  • Passepartout
  • Framing
  • Rolled (only for not mounted, with passpartout fitted or framed finishing)
  • Flat

OPEN TINY Editions

    OPEN TINY Editions are like OPEN Editions, but:
Different of regular OPEN Editions are the Artworks tiny and do not exceed the size (without border) of 1200 cm2 (e.g. 30x40cm2.

The artist is committed not to (let) make additional LIMITED TINY oder LIMITED BOX Editions of the artworks.

Artwork Authenticity Labeling
On back side (on verso) the print is in the lower right (on margin - where available):
  • Signed
  • Dated *)
  • Artwork ID *).
*) Optional / not required.

Certificate of Authenticity
Every OPEN TINY Edition is accompanied with
  • A signed and dated Certificate of Authenticity describing the artwork.
  • 1:1 - 10x10cm - 30x30cm
  • 3:2 - 15x10cm - 30x20cm
  • 9:16 - 17.8x10cm - 35.6x20cm
  • 1:2.35 - 23.5x10cm - 47x20cm
Finishing Options
  • Mounting on Board
  • Passepartout
  • Framing

OPEN BOX Editions

    OPEN BOX Editions are like OPEN TINY Editions, but:
Are a bundle of several TINY Artworks which not exceed the size (without border) of 1200 cm2 (e.g. 30x40cm2.

The artist is committed not to (let) make additional LIMITED TINY or LIMITED BOX Editions of the artworks.

Artwork Authenticity Labeling
On front or back side (on verso) the index print is in the lower right:
  • Signed
  • Dated *)
*) Optional / not required.

Certificate of Authenticity
Every OPEN BOX Edition is accompanied with
  • A signed and dated Certificate of Authenticity describing the artwork.
  • 1:1 - 10x10cm - 30x30cm
  • 3:2 - 15x10cm - 30x20cm
  • 9:16 - 17.8x10cm - 35.6x20cm
  • 1:2.35 - 23.5x10cm - 47x20cm
  • Flat


    OPEN POSTER Editions are like OPEN Editions, but:
Different of regular OPEN Editions are these editions made with regular book, banner or poster print technics and ARE NOT a Pigment Inkjet Print or a Gelatin Silver Print.

The artist is committed not to (let) make additional LIMITED POSTER Editions of the artworks.

Artwork Authenticity Labeling

Certificate of Authenticity

  • 1:1 - 40x40cm - 100x100cm
  • 3:2 - 45x30cm - 150x100cm
  • 9:16 - 53.3x30cm - 177.8x100cm
  • 1:2.35 - 60x25.5cm - 235x100cm
Finishing Options
  • Mounting on Board
  • Passepartout
  • Framing
  • Rolled (only for not mounted, with passpartout fitted or framed finishing)
  • Flat

OPEN CARD Editions

    OPEN CARD Editions are like OPEN TINY Editions, but:
CARD Editions prints DO NOT exceed the maximum post card size in Germany.

The artist is committed not to (let) make additional LIMITED CARD Editions of the artworks.
Artwork Authenticity Labeling

Certificate of Authenticity

  • 14x9cm - 23.5x12.5cm
Finishing Options
  • Flat

OPEN BOOK Editions

    OPEN BOOK Editions are like OPEN TINY Editions, but:

The artist is committed not to (let) make additional LIMITED BOOK Editions of the artworks.

Artwork Authenticity Labeling
On the inside is the book or calendar:
  • Signed *)
  • Dated *)
*) Optional / not required.

  • Individual
  • Flat
CALL for Edition
CALL for Edition mean that there are no Edition currently, but:

You can ask for an Edition of the above list.

Artist Proof (AP)
An Artist’s Proof (artist copy or AP) is a print oder copy, being produced in addtion to an LIMITED edition.
These copies are not intended for sale, but stay in the ownership of the artist.
For the artist are the Proofs out of two reasons important:
1. to be able to show also older works in exhibitions
2. out of archival reasons.
Up to two (2) Artist Proofs might be produced and marked as such.
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